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Sept. 4 Saturday 1915
More troops off to the Front today. There is "no send off"here for the men they just [indecipherable] away like the "shadow". Just met one of the 6th L H chaps who tells me of the death of – Will Lang, the [indecipherable] in charge of the machine gun section. He was a tall good looking young fellow – with plenty of energy & grit every body liked him, & we have lost a true & faithful soldier in him. I hear Col Harris was killed whilst observing the bullet entering at the cheek & coming out of the top of his head. (Will Lang died the 13th of August)
A large number of our fellows are being sent to Malta for treatment. I hear that owing to the very Rocky nature of the ground there, the authorities are compelled to bury the Dead at sea. There is one grave into which the corpse is laid & the service is read & the last post is sounded, after which in the quiet of the night – the body is taken away to sea & buried there. So the one grave is used for one & all who breathe their last on that far off island. Well after all it matters little, so long as the soul is at rest.
Sept. 5 Sunday 1915
Had to work this morning at P. O. went out to see Watkins in Hosp Mustapha Con Home. Wrote to Maude (received 2 letters from home dated 18 & 25 July. ) Went to church to night Rev Mackie preach3ed. Communion after the service. A large number of soldiers stayed behind. It was an inspiring sight. Had the pleasure of meeting Rev Lundie from Toowoomba We had a nice talk together, he is at No 17 Gen Hosp, as Chaplain, I like to go to this place of worship, it is so homely & nice.
Sept. 6 Monday 1915
Working all day. Still much behind with the work. Men are going off sick & of course more work falls on those left behind. Post 2 letters Maude one containing Post cards & clips etc.
The Pres church is a double story building the ground floor being used by the ladies as a Recreation room & refreshment room for soldiers. Each night this place is open for those who wish to attend. The upper portion of the building is the place of worship. One has to climb 2 flights of steps. The organ & choir is at the back of the building, & the seating accomodation is similar to our ordinary city churches.