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[Page 60]

Mon 15th
Reveille at 5 oclock as usual, groomed & fed the horses.
we should have had tea then but the S.S.M. neglected to tell the cooks last night & we got none. at 7 oclock we had to ride one horse & lead another for exercise. had a good long ride watered the horses on our way back & got back for breakfast at 8.45 porridge & tea was issued for breakfast, we have been getting principally bully & biscuits for the last week. Les Reid & I brought a good supply of tinned fish & fruit with us but it is now finished;

The Artillery opposite us left this morning & are going back to Kantara; A train loaded with the 12th L.H. Regt. arrived here at 10 oclock this morning the 12th are camped about half a mile from us they left their horses behind, I saw Fletcher (he is R.S.M.) for a few minutes; We started to do stables at 3.30 this afternoon & it was 7 oclock before we had finished watering

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