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off got back to into bed until 8.30, Leo meantime leaving to report to the Overseas Base.

Forenoon parade as usual altho' there was a very disagreeable wind. In the afternoon the C.O. (who is a R.C.) granted half holiday & after changing I went to Pension Wales & had afternoon tea with Ol & Leo, the latter having to go at 4.15. Stayed a little longer with Oll returning to camp for 6 o'c dinner.

Saturday 18 March 1916

Parades as usual before & after breakfast, the day again being windy.

Long mess meeting before lunch making it very late when I got in to Pension Wales where I discovered Rid who was up on business. We had afternoon tea together & then went to make purchases that it was Rid's lot to attend to. Came home in time for 6 o'c mess, leaving Ol & Rid at the tram terminus.

Did a little developing after tea.

Sunday 19 March 1916

After midnight last night there was a very heavy fall of rain & on waking I found that the men had been drenched in most cases. There was water lying about in pools everywhere & presently blankets & other gear was spread out in all directions. On account of the wetting the Church parades were cut out.

About 10 o'c I was instructed to get ready to proceed to Cairo for 14 day's picquet duty & had to spend a good deal of time getting things packed up for early morning departure tomorrow.

After midday dinner went in to Pension Wales for afternoon tea, coming home for mess, afterwards going over to the Y.M.C.A. where a simple address was given & the usual old-time hymns sung. There was a very fair attendance.

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