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[Page 27]

in the distance were the ranges or mountains south of Perth (I have not an atlas to turn up their names) which at the time we[re] partially obscured by the smoke from bush fires which at one spot in particular seemed to be blazing furiously.

Further round to the E the Swan, quite salt & very shallow & shoaly except for a winding channel followed by the small craft which occasionally ply between Perth & Fremantle, disappeared in the low-lying country. Below us, to the right was a point which is known as University Point by reason of its having been chosen as the site of the future university: the buildings are to be on the low point & the professor's residences etc on the rising ground which merges into King's Park.

The whole made a beautiful scene, largely owing to the perfect day we were having, bright & sunny, with just a faint breeze to temper the heat.

The hostess stated that it was a cooler day than they are accustomed to have at the time of year. After spending 5 minutes at the Kiosk to take in the view we got into the car again & continued our way along the beautiful road of the park, running out on the Perth-Fremantle Rd. (asphalted all the way) below University Pt. & following it back into the city, running along the narrow strip of shoreline between the King's Park heights & the blue water.

In one sheltered cove of

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