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it was rather more interesting. Leaving the station I went a little astray, getting into the second street parallel to the railway line, instead of the one next to it, but soon found the Oakleys', Mrs O. & Doris both being at home.

In the evening after tea went to Spencer Pictures, but thought them very poor: it reminded me, however, of the visits to the pictures taken with Oll at Paddington, & I thought it would be the last opportunity for many a long day of "going to the pictures". On reaching Port Melbourne (by tram) in company with a number of my old guard also returning, we found that owing to the disturbances that had taken place in the streets, - conflicts between returned soldiers & military police owing to the former wanting to "deal it out" to Germans & Australians carrying on business, - the vessel had left the wharf & was anchored right out in the bay. It meant waiting until after 12 midnight for the tender to leave, & by the time I turned in it was 1.30.

Forgot to mention that while that while I was up town, I poked my head into St Peters (R.C.) Cathedral, remembering that when I was in Melbourne last time I had been very much impressed by it & had then not looked inside our own St Marys in Sydney. There was a service being held however, consisting while I was there of a repetition in a very perfunctory way of a Latin prayer of which all I could distinguish was "Ava Maria". Altogether it was a most disappointing visit to the Cathedral, but a very enjoyable afternoon & evening, especially as it was commonly rumoured that there is to be no leave in Adelaide.

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