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[in pencil 17.10.62]

gives 366 Bushels for a little over 3½ acres, we must have had upwards of 1500 Bushels of shelled maize in all.

The Vines at the New cellar look well, Bruckhauser says the Riesling there promise a much better crop than they have yielded any year for the last 4 years - there have been immense numbers of beetles at the old Vineyard, but with the help I have been able to send from the farm Bruckhauser has got them pretty well under without much damage I believe - we have got in the stakes Posts to go &c in the parts where the vines have been paid and Stewart is putting up the small wire, he will finish about the end of this week.

Monday 20th October

We are blessed with a happy change in the weather, rain commenced to fall yesterday afternoon and kept on steadily all

Current Status: 
Ready for review