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[Page 46]

With regard to Herr Haber, I must say that  ever since he surrendered, he has acted in a most honorable and straightforward way and has afforded me every possible assistance.   He only arrived in the Colony in April last and has been most of his time away from Head Quarters here inspecting the Possessions.

In reply to a letter I addressed to him on the 1st instant, advising him that it would be impossible from the funds at my disposal to make the proposed advances on loan to the deported Civil Officials, he wrote me on the 6th idem as follows:-

"Referring to Your Excellency's note of 1st instant, I have the honor to observe that with regard to stipulation in question, acceded to by Your Excellency, my intention was to the Officials set out of their offices by Your Excellency's Military action from becoming destitute. Those Officials have from their official relations no claim against the  Empire but only against the single  Colony.   According to your verbal statement they are not prisoners of war.   The Power having  them under its control is consequently not obliged to accord to them privileges granted to the prisoners of war by international rules. I have, however, understood from your verbal explanations yesterday that while it is to take care of them by payment of a 3 month salary and an advance on Travelling Expenses out of the funds of the Colony, some other way will be found to provide for their board, lodging, and repatriation, together with their family members. In case this is granted I will be be ready to recognise that the stipulation in question, forming part of our agreement of 17th Septr., can be considered fulfilled in the meaning of Article 35, paragraph 2 of the International Treaty relating to the Laws  and Customs of War on Land of October 18th, 1002." [1907]

"The list presented to Your Excellency by Cashier Binder comprises all the  Officials of the  Colony, including the numerous Officials of the outlying stations, where correspondingly large amounts of money are in stock, and also as far as I could  see some Non-official persons.   Furthermore, the advances on Travelling Expenses are set down higher than it was intended by me during the negotiations preceding the agreement, and besides I have I have anticipated that Your Excellency would keep a larger number of Officials residing in Rabaul and surroundings in their offices, and deport a smaller number."

"In compliance with the agreement of Septr. 17th, I will endeavour to cause that any amounts expended in the forementioned interests of the Officials of the Colony be repaid by the Imperial Government out of the yearly subsidy as soon as I am in a position to take the steps necessary for the purpose."

"In order that all Officials be treated on the same footing, I have the honor to suggest that all amounts paid out as per list attached to your note of Octr. 1st. be called back.   In case that is not possible I will take the steps necessary for their repayment by the Imperial Government as soon as I can do so.   For this purpose I beg leave to ask that the receipts or verified copies of the receipts be handed to me as justification, for the purpose of accounting."


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