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I cannot speak too highly of the services rendered by Major F.A. Maguire, A.M.C., Principal Medical Officer, who is untiring in his devotion to the duties of his office.   At present he is the only British Medical Officer here and at Herbertshohe, which are 12 miles apart.   He personally attends to the sick of both garrisons, and conducts the hospitals at Namanula, Rabaul, supervises the work of three German Medical Officers at two large Native Hospitals.   In addition the sanitation  of the whole of the Rabaul and Herbertshohe Districts, with their numerous population of British, German, Natives and Chinese, receive his constant personal supervision.

The result can best be summed up in the words of his daily report of the 13th instant, which is as under :-

"I  have to report that the sanitary condition of the camps is satisfactory, the general health of the troops continues to be good, and the patients in hospital are making satisfactory progress.   I desire to bring under notice the fact that there at present only 8 patients in Hospitals, viz. 2 at Namanula, 2 at Rabaul, and 4 at Herbertshohe.   Not one of these is seriously ill."

I have the honor to be,
Your obedient servant.
(Sgd.) William Holmes, Colonel.


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