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British Administration - German New Guinea:
New Britain,
11th December 1914.
The Honorable,
The Minister of Defence,
I have to acknowledge receipt on the 6th instant of the following wireless message from the Secretary for Defence :-
"Telegram as follows received from Secretary State :- (begins) - December 3rd: With reference to your cipher telegram 25th November and to previous telegrams as to occupation of German Islands in the Pacific, as Pelew, Marianne, Caroline and Marshall Islands are at present in Military occupation by Japanese, who are at our request engaged in policing waters Northern Pacific, we consider it convenient for strategic reasons to allow them to remain in occupation for the present, leaving whole question of future to be settled at the end of war. We should be glad, therefore, if Australian Expedition would confine itself to occupation of German Islands South of the Equator (ends) - to which a reply as follows was sent :- (begins) - Your telegram 3rd. December occupation German Islands in Pacific, noted, and your Government's wishes will be complied with (ends). Colonel Pethebridge has been similarly advised."
The turn which events have now taken is no doubt to be regretted, as it would seem that the Japanese, who are well known to have longing eyes for some time on the Islands in the Pacific, now being in actual Military occupation of those above referred to, are hardly likely at the conclusion of the War to be dispossessed of same, as it is only reasonable to suppose that they will regard their retention as recompense for the services they have rendered.
For the information of the Minister, I forward herewith a copy of my appreciation of the whole situation on the 1st September last, together with details of the garrisons I then proposed to establish without delay. It will be seen that the dispositions provide for the immediate occupation of Yap, Anguar and Nauru, all of which are now unfortunately lost to us. These proposals were submitted by me to the Rear-Admiral Commanding at a conference held on board H.M.A.S. "Australia" off Rossel Island on 9th September, and although he approved of same, apparently no opportunity then offered for the transportation of the troops detailed as garrisons for the Islands alluded.