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is more money, which will be collected by O.C. Garrison. All Postage Stamps at the Post Office were burned by the Officials.
I expected to have secured the Government Steamer "Buka" (60 tons), speed 7 knots, which was built in Hongkong 2 years ago, but the Resident Commissioner stated that 3 weeks ago he opened her sea cocks and sunk her in the Harbour in 9 fathoms of water; he pointed out the spot. I am advised it will not be a difficult operation to raise her. I will take the matter in hand as soon as I can secure a Diving Dress, which I hope to get from the Destroyer "Warrego", which I was advised some time ago has on board a wireless plant for Bougainville, and should, therefore, soon arrive in these parts.
The "Meklong" left Kieta at 6-0 p.m. same day (9th Decr.) and on the way back called at Tinput and Soraken, and arrived at Rabaul at 3-15 p.m. on 12th December.
On 13th instant I received the following wireless message from Colonel Pethebridge, dated 7th idem :-
"Arrived at Frederick Wilhelmshafen this morning, all well. Sealed orders from Head Quarters for you on Destroyer "Warrego", Commander of which expected meet you here. I have copy of your orders, which are in effect (begins) - In accord wireless already sent, you will consult with Commander Destroyers and proceed Kaiserin Augusta River, where Destroyers will block enemy's vessels. Troops will seize Mission Station, 40 miles West by North from Mouth River. German Station with armed ship and troops reported 60 miles up river. Do not take too much risk pending arrival "Eastern" with 200 more troops, and "Una" with three 4 inch guns. If enemy's force will not surrender they will be ------ (six words missing) - Legge (orders end). My instructions are to co-operate and put my troops at your disposal. Have consulted Commander Destroyers, and, assuming Bracegirdle's force is all you propose to send, will carry out plan of operations indicated by C.G.S., unless you desire otherwise - 2200 of 7th inst."
This was the first intimation I had received as to the nature of the work to be performed by the Troops I was instructed on 28th November to despatch, and did despatch, to Frederick Wilhelmshafen.
Apparently it was expected that I personally would have accompanied these troops, and therefore the "sealed orders" for me were sent by the "Warrigo" for personal delivery, in lieu of being sent by wireless telegraphy to me here.
Needless to say, I did not so understand the intention; moreover, it will be remembered that I was awaiting the arrival of the "Una" and "Eastern" here on 5th December, to carry out the instructions contained in the Minister's message of 21st November as to occupation of Bougainville, where I was advised considerable opposition was to be expected. Up to this time I had received no intimation whatever that any change