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same time to despatch a general cargo to these islands on behalf of the Merchants here, and bring back return shipments of copra.   The commercial earnings of the  vessel on this expedition amounted to   £356-12-6, and as the debts totalled   £200, the expedition, in addition to achieving its object of Military occupation, resulted in a sound profit as a commercial venture.

The same course is being followed in connection with the trip of the "Meklong" to Bougainville, the net  results of which I will advise you in next despatch.

On the 28th November I received the following message from Chief of General Staff :-

"Arrange to proceed with united (?) companies, field and machine guns, and one month's provisions, in vessels  available, destination to be obtained from Destroyer "Yarra" on arrival about 30th November.   Take "Nusa" and "Gabriel" and any sea-going motor launches available.   Other Destroyers meet you there with full  instructions. Have all island craft at Rabaul held up for one week after your departure - Legge."

The Destroyer "Yarra" arrived at Rabaul on 1st December, and Commander Keighley received the following message from Naval Board :-

"From Rabaul you are to proceed to Frederick Wilhelmshafen with "Elax", arriving there on Decr. 4th.   "Warrego" and "Parramatta" will meet you there with orders.   Cover  transportation of troops to  Frederick Wilhelmshafen  if Administrator desires it.   "Nusa" should accompany you.   "Gabriel" if met with is to be seized and taken with you.   Give out falsley destination Bougainville. Inform Colonel Holmes of your destination.   Acknowledge receipt of this."

In view of the foregoing messages, although I was unaware of the  exact nature of work to be  done by the expedition, I determined to despatch to Frederick Wilhelmshafen 2 Companies   Naval Reserves, with one 12 pdr. field  gun and one machine gun.   This force left Simpsonhafen on 2nd December in the S.S. "Siar" and S.S. "Nusa", escorted by  the Destroyer "Yarra".   I would have liked myself to have accompanied this force in view of the uncertainty of the work it would be required   to perform, but deemed it more advisable to remain here so as to   meet Colonel Pethebridge on his arrival with the "Una" and "Eastern" as I expected on the 5th instant, and carry out your instructions of 21st November as to Bougainville.

I have since intercepted a disjointed message, from which I gather  that the ultimate destination of the force sent to Wilhelmshafen, is the Kaiserin Augusta River, but of this I have no official information whatever.

I would here point out that the wireless communication between Rabaul and Port Moresby is not at all satisfactory.   There would appear to be a disposition at the latter place to give preference to private messages in clear language over more important official coded messages, as I find it very difficult to transmit or receive official messages between here and Port Moresby.    I would suggest that consideration be given to this matter with a view to an improvement being effected as early as possible.



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