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be utilised to partially relieve my original force, and that 2 more Companies of 50 men each be despatched from Australia. Colonel Pethebtidge agreed with this idea, and undertook to forward a recommendation to this effect to you, which I believe he has already done.
I do not anticipate that more than 40 or 50 men of my original force will re-engage for service in these Islands. The stumbling block appears to be that they will be required to sign on for the whole period of War, and 4 months beyond, and I regret that I cannot yet furnish the exact numbers of those who will remain, as the men seem very slow in making up their minds, but I shall be fortunate, I consider, if I secure 40, but whatever the numbers are, I suggest that they be retained here in addition to the 300 already recommended, as a large number of men must necessarily be employed here at purely administrative work, and to withdraw these from the 300 would unduly deplete the Companies, and detrimentally affect their fighting efficiency.
After conference with Colonel Pethebridge, I have come to the conclusion that the relief force should be distributed as under :-
No. Men
Rabaul - 100
Herbertshohe - 50
Wilhelmshafen & outposts - 50
New Ireland - 25
Nauru - 25
Admiraltys - 12
Anticipating approval of the proposal, I sent the Steamer "Meklong" to Bougainville on the 20th instant with the relief force for the place, and on the following day (21st) the S.S. "Eastern" left here with relief garrisons for New Ireland, Nauru, and the Admiraltys, calling first at Kaewieng, proceeding thence to Nauru, and leaving the garrison for the Admiraltys on her way back. I expect her to reach here with the relieved garrisons about 4th prox.
The relief force for Kaiser Wilhelmsland left here yesterday (24th) by the S.S. "Matunga" for Frederick Wilhelmshafen. This vessel should return here with the old garrison at Frederick Wilhelmshafen by the 31st instant. Those troops now at Eitape and the Post on the Kaiserin Augusta River will probably return here a few days later by the "Siar" and "Nusa", which I have asked Commander Cumberlege to send back to me as early as possible. It would not be possible to relieve the Posts at these two latter places in time to return by the "Matunga", as I understand this ship will only be at Wilhelmshafen for one day.
It is estimated that the "Eastern" is capable of carrying 350 troops. I, therefore, propose on her return here to at once embark this number for Australia, so that she may leave without any delay and thus save expense.
In the message sent by Colonel Pethebridge a request was made for a Troopship capable of accommodating 1,000 men to be sent here, with the additional 100 men for the relief force, and after delivering these at Rabaul she could convey the balance of my original force to Australia, leaving here in sufficient time to arrive at her destination before the expiration of the