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I am much concerned about the maintenance of the Botanic Gardens here after Dr. Bredemannn's departure.   As previously pointed out, the Germans have spent many thousands of pounds in the establishment of this place and in experimenting in many ways.   Considerable thought and energy has been expended in making these Gardens a beauty spot.   All trees and plants are carefully labelled with botanical name plates of enamel, and it would be nothing short of vandalism to allow this place to become neglected.   I therefore strongly urge that enquiries be made in Australia for a man experienced in Tropical Flora who would be competent to take charge, and that he be sent here as early as possible.

Dr. Bredemann's salary was   £450 per annum and residence, and the salary paid to the two Medical Officers is   £500 a year each with residence, and the Assistants   £250 a year each.

On 1st December I received the following wireless  
message :-
"Please include in your next despatch any particulars available regarding wife and child of Dr. Stuebel, District Officer, Kaewieng (New Mecklenburg), said to have lost his life in recent occurrance there."

There appears to have been come misapprehension in reference to Dr. Stuebel, as he surrendered without opposition on our occupation of New Ireland, and, together with his wife and child, were despatched to Sydney in perfect health in the "Matunga" as far back as the 10th November, of which official advice was duly given.   I cannot, therefore, understand the foregoing enquiry at this date.,   This information I telegraphed to you on the 4th instant.

On the 6th instant the following message was received from Colonel Legge :-

"Please censor all letters arriving per "Marsina" and "Matunga"; object ascertain if any information as to Expedition is disclosed by unauthorised persons in Australia."

This instruction will be carried out on the arrival of the Steamers referred to, but I have no advice as to the sailing of the former vessel.

On the 30th November the following message was received from Colonel Legge :-

"Send name Officers, and numbers and ranks of others recommended by you and willing to remain to end of war; similar information yourself and Staff, and Naval Unit, so that relief force may be organized at once."

Those willing to remain to end of War, and recommended by me, are as follows :-


Director of Works   -    Lieut. J.S. Whittle. R.A.N.R.
Officer in charge of Native Affairs   -   Lieut. G.C. Manning.
Provost Marshal   -   Capt. L.G. Ravencroft.
Post - master   -   Sergeant G.W. Moore.

Total - 4:   (Continued)

Current Status: 