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the-less we received the order to stand to our horses. When the third shell landed. (Same line 20 yds ahead.) we took horses 100 yds up the Amiens Road. Here we stood in the wet and watched the shells bursting in the camp. By 5 pm all was over and we returned and had tea. There were only 4 casualties (3 slight abrasions & one seriously injured) caused by the whole of the 15 shells which were all high explosive. Raining all night.
31st Storm abated. Beautiful day. At 7 pm went to Avoca Gully to transport troops to firing line. We loaded up & at 9 pm moved off. The roads were very slippery & it was impossible for the horses to obtain a footing. The night was very dark, the only light being that of a star shell or shrapnel bursting. However on we went dodging huge shell holes by inches but at last we had to abandon the job as the ground was too difficult. The men got off the wagons & we "beat it" for home arriving back about 12.30 am.
September 1st Another fine day. About 9 am went to Avoca Gully with rations. Saw several Generals from the different armies of the Allies ("in full war paint") inspecting roads etc. 6pm ordered to take