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Aug 1st Beautiful day. Everything fairly quiet except for an occasional shell one of which smashed up a convoy near the Cathedral. Our guns open out about 5 pm.
Aug 2nd Warm. Quiet all day. The 2nd Aus Div. will go over the parapet for the third time to-night. General Birdwood will take command of both Artillery & Infantry. He stated that we must gain our objective to-night at all costs.
About 7.30 pm the Huns sent some shells into the town. Bricks & sand were flying all over the place. Many of his shells were defective & did not burst – luckily for us.
8.10 pm our artillery has opened out & is sending a hail of shells into the German lines. There promises to be a big bombardment tonight.
Aug 3rd There certainly was some bombardment last night. Star shells & shrapnel lit up the sky & Howitzers screamed through the air. Some place France! Our boys did not go over the parapet last night.
Very quiet all day except for the heavy batteries alongside us. About 7 pm our artillery opened out a terrific bombardment which lasted till about 6 am 4th inst.