Vicariatus Apostolicus
Novae Pomeraniae.
Bunapope (Reupommern), 20 September 1914
His Excellency
His Britannic Majesty's
Governor of New Pommern
Your Excellency.
Before having,- vhen the opportunity will occur -, the honour of visisiting and presenting my reverential homage to your Excellency, I make a haste in assuring that all my missionaries, Fathers, Brothers and Sisters, and myself, in conformity with the principles followed by all the Roman Catholic missionaries in foreign countries, we will be loyal to the Government of His Britannic Majesty, and that we will endeavour, with the same zeal as before, in procuring the welfare and the development of this Colony by means of our holy ministry and of our several charitable works. The good all ready made in this contry by our mission, is a guarantee that, for the nearest futur, it will make it in a much larger extent, especially if His Majesty's official deign to show us their kindness as they do towards the Roman Catholic Missions in all the British Colonies.
Your Excellency will allow me to mention that, in Papua and in Gilbert Islands, the members of the R.C, Missions belong to our Society of the Sacred Heart and are highly appreciated by the Authorities, though the most of them are foreigners.
I must also mention that the members of our Society are extended abroad in Australia, especially in Randwick (near Sydney) where they are in charge of the R.C. parish and where is the general Procure for our south