State Library of NSW
[Page 15]
The contracting parties further agree that all Civil Officials, whether they take the oath of neutrality or not, be entitled to receive at least their three months pay from 1st October, 1914, out of the funds of the Colony, and also an advance on travelling expenses for returning home, according to the regulations in force under German Rule. It is further agreed that they shall have proper facilities for arranging their personal affairs in the Colony.
The Governor promises that the amounts expenses under this Head will be refunded by the German Imperial Government out of the Yearly Colonial Subsidy.
The Brigadier promises that proper care be taken in order to conduct Women and Children of deported Officials to the place where their men are. All claims against the German Administration are to be paid for out of the funds of the Colony.
It is expressly understood that the papers relating to the personal status of the Officials of the Colony shall be handed over to a German Official designated by the Governor.
(Sgd.) E. Haber. (Sgd.) William Holmes.
Witness to signature Witness to signature of E. Haber. of William Holmes.(Sgd.) Von Klewitz. (Sgd.) T.B.Stevenson.
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