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Captain Fry loaned from "Berrima" to "Kanowna" as Adjutant returned to this force earliest opportunity.
Captain Glossop then asked - "Do you wish me to make that an official message from you re Troops?".
To this I replied - "Yes".
On the following day I received a message from Admiral - "Berrima" Troops sufficient."
At the conference with the Admiral at the rendezvous off Rossel Island I handed him my report on "Kanowna" troops, when the whole matter was considered and he concurred in the action taken and said he would forward my report along with his to Melbourne, which I presume will arrive at same time as this.
At the Conference it was decided to go direct to Simpsonhafen and seize the wireless stations at Herbertshohe, and occupy that place and also Rabaul, the seat of Government of the German possessions in the Pacific, on the 11th instant.
I propose to garrison Rabaul with a half battalion of Infantry and one Company of Naval Reserves, one Machine Gun Section and detachment of Army Medical Corps, under Lt-Col. Paton.
At Herbertshohe four Companies of Naval Reserves, one Machine Gun Section and Detachement of A.M.C., under Commander Beresford.
I will appoint Lieut. Manning, who is a Sydney Barrister, Assistant Judge Advocate General; Captain Twynam of Goulburn I have selected as Officer in charge Native Police; he will be assisted by another - Lieut. Manning - who has had 13 years experience of Natives as a Resident Magistrate in Papua. Lieut. Ravenscroft, formerly an Officer in the Royal Scots, will be provost Marshal.
The Proclamation to be issued by me has been prepared together with full instructions to O.Cs Garrisons, Police, etc.
I propose holding an imposing parade and ceremony for the breaking and saluting the flag, reading proclamation, march past, etc. The fleet will co-operate by firing a salute when the flag is broken.
In all these preparatory arrangements, and indeed ever since leaving Sydney abd before, Heritage's services have proved invaluable. Watson also had done good work with the Infantry; indeed all concerned have worked admirably.
I trust everything will go well on the 11th, the day of the landing, and on the 12th when I propose to hold the flag and proclamation ceremony; more particularly as the 11th will be my Son's birthday and the 12th will be my own.
After arranging everything at Rabaul, it is likely we will leave for Yap to secure that place, which is rather important as it has a boosting place for the cable between the Dutch Celebes and Erisco, and also Shanghai. Yap is four day's steam from Rabaul. Nauru has already been visited by the "Melbourne" on her way across from Samoa to Rabaul, where she will arrive about 13th instant.