Item 11: General William Holmes papers, September 1914-January 1915 - Page 172

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                                                                     HERMIT ISLANDS:
The Hermit Islands (Lat. 25' to 1 35' South, Long. 144 56' to 145 8' East) consist of 17 Islands entirely surrounded by a coral reef, through which there are three passages.   The Western and largest is a good one, and permits the entrance of large steamers of the N.D.L. Coy. trading between Australia and the East.   The harbour is very good, and at Maron there is a small wharf, allowing vessels up to 350 tons to come alongside.

LUF is the largest Island and is about 700 feet high.   There is a native village on its Eastern shore with 40 inhabitants.   The Island is partly planted by Herr Whalen.

AKIB is the next in size,and its highest point is about 300 feet above sea level.   There are no native inhabitants.   The Island is all under plantation.

MARON,   240 feet high, is the  principal Island, being the head quarters of Herr Whalen's plantations.   The residence   is situated on the highest point, from which a beautiful view of all the Islands is obtained.   The house is well  furnished, and lighted by electricity, the accumulators being charged weekly by a dynamo driven by a 40 H.P. Oil Engine. There is also a large underground tank for water supply.   There are 3 horses and 36 head cattle on the  Island.   A road runs around the shore, and another leads up to the residence from the wharf.   The Island is all under plantation.

Eight (8) other Islands of the  Group are also planted with cocoanuts.   All  these Islands belong to Herr Whalen.

INHABITANTS: There are six  Germans usually on the Island, although at the present time two are absent, one in the Ninigo Group, and the other on the Merchant Cruiser 'Cormoran'.   The four at present on the Island have taken the oath of neutrality.   Herr Schilling is the General Manager of the  Firm.

NATIVES:   It has been estimated that the native population in 1882 was 1200, but in that  year about 350 males were lost in canoes.   Since than the race has been gradually dying out, and at present there are only 18 males and 22 females.   Syphilis is prevalent, and abortion practiced.

Besides the native inhabitants (kanakas), there  are 175 recruited natives working the plantations.   All are quartered on Maron Island.   These Laborers receive 5 marks per month and food supplies, and are issued with one stick of  tobacco weekly.

RESOURCES:   The plantations are not yet in full  bearing, but the output of copra at present is from 120 to 140 tons per annum.   Trocas shells are also exported to the extent of about 65 tons per annum.   These shells are used for  making pearl buttons, the average price per ton landed in Australia being   £25.

WEATHER CONDITIONS:   Rain usually falls periodically throughout the year, and an ample water supply is always available in the underground tanks on the Island.   No hurricanes have been known to visit the Islands, but occasionally


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