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New Britain,
15th December 1914.
The Honorable,
The Minister of Defence,
In my despatch of 11th instant, I reported that I had sent the S.S. "Meklong" on 7th idem with a force of two Companies of Infantry under Lieut-Col. Watson, to capture and occupy the Island of Bougainville in the Solomons Group.
I mentioned that I disbelieved the report of the Master of the "Kulambangra" conveyed to me by the Navy Board as to the alleged intention of the Germans to strenuously resist annexation, and as I had received information, which I had every reason to believe was absolutely reliable, that as a matter of fact the German Officials at Kieta, the principal settlement, were expecting me and had their bags actually packed ready to leave, and that no opposition to Military occupation would be offered, I considered two Companies would be ample to successfully perform the operation. This conclusion proved to be correct.
The expedition arrived at Kieta at noon on 9th inst Herr Doellinger, the resident Commissioner, was sent for under a flag of truce, brought on board the "Meklong" and the terms and conditions of surrender by the Governor read over to him; he then stated no opposition would be offered, and the other German Officials were ready to come on board.
The troops were at once landed, Government buildings seized, German Flag hauled down and Union Jack hoisted with due ceremony, Proclamation read, and Garrison of half Coy. of Infantry under Lieut. Maughan posted.
The German Officials who surrendered and were taken on board the "Meklong" for deportation to Australia were :-
Herr Doellinger - Resident Commissioner (with wife and child)
Dr. Kroning - Government Medical Officer. (with wife and child)
Herr Ewest - Asst. Commissioner (with wife).
Herr Fritsch - Police Master.
Herr Girnus - Assistant Medical Officer.
The oath of neutrality was administered to a number of German Planters and Missionaries, who were allowed to remain. All other German Residents will be sent for by Lieut. Maughan and be disarmed and suitably dealt with.
The sum of 11,000 marks, Government money, was seized and paid into the Treasury at Rabaul. It is believed there