Item 11: General William Holmes papers, September 1914-January 1915 - Page 156

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The extract from my diary is as follows :-

Wednesday, 9th Septermber, 1914 :-
"The "Australia" joined the fleet at 10-0 a.m.   At 10-10 a.m. the Brigadier, [Holmes] accompanied by Commander Stevenson, R.N. visited the Admiral on board H.M.A.S. "Australia", were a Conference was held with Commanders of other Ships and Destroyers as to future movements.

"The Admiral explained his orders, which provided for the occupation and garrisoning of Herbertshohe and Rabaul on 11th September, 1914.   The Brigadier reported his proposed dispositions, which the Admiral approved of, and stated he intended to allow the Brigadier an entirely free hand on shore. He approved also of the strength of proposed garrisons for Yap, Anguar, Nauru and Frederick Wilhelmshafen, but said  he did not think it advisable to occupy these places immediately, but that our attention should be confined to New Britain only."

On 21st November I received information that the "Eastern", escorted by the "UNA", was to leave Sydney on the 26th November and would arrive at Rabaul on 5th December, but up to the present they have not reached this Port, and I have received no official information as to their present whereabouts, although I have  gathered from an intercepted message that these two vessels are now at Frederick Wilhelmshafen, but I am quite in the dark as to their probable future movements.   I regret this very much, because  I have reason to believe the Una is carrying mails and stores, particularly medical requirements for this garrison, Which I am  urgently in need of, but I have no doubt the diversion of the vessels is due to the developments already referred to in regard to the Islands North of the Equator.

I was also anxiously awaiting the arrival of the  "Eastern" and "Una" to carry out your instructions of the 21st November, as to the occupation of Bougainville, where I was led to believe from a previous message received from the Navy Office on the 15th idem, that  there was likely to be considerable opposition to annexation.

Although I was of opinion from information in my possession, that the report of the Master of the "Kulambangra", on which the Navy Office message of 15th November was based, as to opposition likely to be met with on Bougainville was exaggerated, I determined to await the arrival of the  "Eastern" and "Una" before carrying out this duty.   These vessels, however,   having not put in an appearance on the 7th instant, and not being in  possession of any information as to their probable date of arrival, I determined to at once despatch a force of two Companies of Infantry and one machine gun by the S.S. "Meklong" to deal with the Bougainville occupation.   This force wa under the Command of Lieut. Col.  Watson, who was instructed on seizing the  place to post a garrison of half Company, and return with the balance of his men to Rabaul as early as possible. I expect that he will return here by Monday, 14th instant.

In my despatch of the 28th November, I mentioned the fact that I had sent an expedition to the Admiralty Islands.   This  force left Rabaul on 19th November under the command of Major Heritage on board the S.S. "Siar", and visited the Admiralty and Hermit Islands.   The flag was hoisted at both places, proclamation read, and garrisons posted; the "Siar" returned to Rabaul on the 28th idem. Opportunity was taken at the

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