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Territory of Papua.
Government House,
Port Moresby,
22nd August 1914
I have the honor to inform you that on 18th instant 500 men of the expeditionary force which is, I understand to occupy Rabaul and Herbertshohe, arrived at Port Moresby by the S.S. "Kanowna".
2. The arrival of these men has afforded a welcome relief to the European members of Armed Constabulary who are now able to attend to their ordinary avocations. I had not asked for any reinforcement, but, when the Rear Admiral informed me of the expeditionary force and suggested that 500 men might come to Port Moresby, I readily accepted the offer.
3. The defence of the wireless station is being (for the present) primarily entrusted to the expeditionary force, assisted by the Armed Native Constabulary under three European officers. That is to say these men are at present encamped at the Wireless Station and find all guards and outposts; in case of anticipated attack they will be reinforced by European members of Armed Constabulary. The mounted patrols are still found by the European Armed Constabulary.
4. It is fully realised that the expeditionary force may at any moment receive orders to leave Port Moresby and, in that event, the Armed Constabulary will, as before, themselves undertake the entire defence of the station.
I have etc.,
(Sgd) J.H.P. Murray.
The Honourable
The Minister of State for External Affairs,