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who was charged with robbing the residence of a Roman Catholic Missionary, and threatening the Missionary's life with arms. The Prisoner was found guilty and sentenced to imprisonment for a term of 3 years. This man will be sent to Australia first opportunity.
There is also a second Court Martial sitting at present to deal with another man who is charged with robbery in the Chinese quarter of Rabaul.
Unfortunately there are, it appears, amongst the troops a few men with rather unfavourable reputations; men whom I am informed have goal records, but every endeavour will be made to sheet home and severely punish all such crimes, to prevent the good name of Australia being sullied.
In view of my proposal to utilize the Steamers here in the inter-island trade, as already mentioned, it would be advisable if a cargo of coal were despatched to this place. At present I am drawing upon the coal at Hernsheim's Stores at Matupi Is., which was landed here by this Firm for the German Navy, but if many trips are to be made to the islands, it is unlikely that this supply will hold out for more than four, or at the outside six, weeks.
I am anxious to communicate as soon as possible with the garrison which was landed at Friedrich Wilhelmshafen on 26th Septr. last, and furnish them with further supplies. I may be able to do this in a few days by the "Matunga", which will proceed from here to that Port if sufficient inducement offers, but if she does not do so, then I must send one of the Steamers I have here in Port.
I have sent quite a number of despatches to you, keeping you fully informed of all the happenings here, but up to the present I am without any communications, except wireless, from Melbourne. I am therefore anxious to know whether my letters have duly reached their destination.
Another matter which I consider needs attention is, that up to the present I have not been furnished with any instrument or commission appointing me Administrator, which I may at any time be called upon to produce. May I request that this matter receive attention.
I have the honor to be,
(Sgd.) William Holmes? Colonel,