Item 11: General William Holmes papers, September 1914-January 1915 - Page 76

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[Page 76]

17th October 14.

The Administrator,
British Government,

I have the honor to   submit the following report consequent upon visit of inspection of the High  Power Wireless Telegraphy Station at Bita Paka, made on the 6th instant.

This Station was being constructed for the purpose of forming one  of the links in the chain of German Pacific High Power  Stations.   The system and power employed at all the High Power  Stations, viz. Yap, Bita Paka, Nauru and Samoa, is of the Telefunken System - 35 Kilowatt and Antenna power. High speed automatic transmission was provided for at these Stations; but at Nauru, as also Yap, this system has not been working successfully owing to electrical atmospheric disturbances.

These Stations are said to be owned by Telefunken W/T Co., but they are believed to be heavily subsidized by the German Government.

The Station at Bita Paka was in course of construction at the time of capture; the station buildings are not complete. At the time of its capture this Station was working temporarily as an 8 Kilowatt Station.   One mast (75 metres high) was erected out of three proposed; a second mast was completed and lying in the ground with a cantilever in position ready for erection.   The aerial was stretched between the mast erected and the cantilever temporarily.

Before the capture of Bita Paka Station these masts were lowered and broken in the fall, while the gear in operation was put out of order and smashed up by the party who captured the station.   

It is to be regretted that the apparatus in use at this place was smashed up, as it is considered that the  position of the Station, both from a Radio-telegraphic and Military point of view, was satisfactory and would have enabled direct communication to be established with Australia, whereas the low power ship type of Marconi Installation is unsuitable.   It is estimated that the value of property and machinery at Bita Paka Station at the present time is approximately between   £10,000 and   £15,000.

It is proposed to obtain certain parts of the apparatus from Bita Paka to increase the power  of the Station at Rabaul, which has had difficulty in transmitting to  both Thursday Island and Port Moresby, owing to atmospheric conditions.

I have the honor to be,
Your obedient servant,
(Sgd.) F.G. Cresswell, Eng. Lieut.
Fleet W/T Officer


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