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Provost Marshal:
Captain Ravenscroft.
King's Harbour-master:
Lieut.-Commander Jackson, R.N.
TREASURY: In charge of the Treasury I have appointed Captain W.A. Fry, who has had considerable financial experience in connection with a large commercial business house. He is carrying out the duties in a thoroughly satisfactory manner. The amounts taken over so far, from the late German Administration are:-
Marks. Pfennig.
Gold, Silver & Notes. . . . . 346,066 90
Cheques, New Guinea Co. 163,440 50
Drafts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18,467 45
Bill of Exchange . . . . . . . . 5,844 51
533,818 51
The accounts outstanding for Customers dues for year ending
30th March, 1914, represent - 22,452 00
And for Quarter ending 30-6-14:- 127,662 25
Making a total, according to information
at present at my disposal of:- 683,932 76
I am doubtful, however, of being able to realize upon the New Guinea Coy's cheques, the drafts and the bill of exchange. I am given to understand that one cheque of the New Guinea Coy. for M.120,000 represents the value of Government Stores, which, just prior to the outbreak of War, were handed over to this Company. The store containing the whole of these goods was seized by me immediately upon landing; at first the Manager of the Company claimed these goods, and said the German Government held the Company claimed these goods, and said the German Government held the Company's cheque in payment. I am not at all satisfied that the transaction was genuine, but the books of the Company are now being investigated by Captain Fry, and in the meantime I hold both the goods and the cheque.
With regard to the amounts outstanding for Customs dues, a large amount is secured by mortgages on plantation properties, the deeds of which are in my possession. The Planters concerned have been directed to come in and arrange with the Treasurer for the discharge of their liabilities. If necessary payment by instalment will be conceded, with a charge for interest on unpaid balances.