State Library of NSW
[Page 71]
P.S. Saturday, 12 Oct: 1844. Your letter of the 9 April reached me the other day – Edward is in Ireland, but I have accepted all the Bills that have already appeared – viz one of £1000 & another of £750 – the first will become payable on the 15 Inst. and the 2nd. early in Dec: – I have never hesitated to honor your Drafts, and as to what you write about security I have nothing whatever to do with the proposition – nor did I ever hear of it before, or ever express any wish of that sort to Edward – That he should feel anxious to anticipate any distrust in this Country is not to be wondered at, after the frightful accounts which have reached us from N.S.W. but I do hope that the worst is over, and that brighter days are in store for the Colony. – I have learnt with much gratification the pleasing accounts of your dear Mother, Wife, and Daughter, & from my heart, do I wish I could revisit the Cow Pastures, and taste William's Wine on the spot of its' growth where your late revered Father & I first bivouacked in Sep: 1805, now nearly forty years ago! – Yrs. ever most sincerely – W.S.D.
[Address panel:]
P Genl. Hewitt pd 8d
To James Macarthur Esq Camden, New South Wales.
Ship letter –
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