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Extract from a Letter from W. S. Davidson dated London 10th April 1826
You have never given me any information respecting the relative value of my Land in the Cowpasture and that in any other quarter of the Colony that Mr. McArthur might be disposed to give one in Exchange for it. He has often expressed a wish to make the Exchange and has very fairly offered me what may be considered more than an equivalent – that is to say Land not of equal, but of superior value to mine – Now I am very desirous of being able to comply with Mr. McArthurs wish on this head and would have no hesitation in authorising you to make such an arrangement on my part if you will kindly take the trouble to negociate the matter at your convenience.
The Land cleared on Belmont is of very little value, I believe, and the buildings erected upon the Estate, of still less I imagine, so that the considerations are very few, and would seem to reduce themselves into the following simply
The quality of the Land and the situation of the Grant that may be offered in Exchange – I have no hesitation in committing this Commission to you, – and I know it will please Mr. & Mrs. McArthur to have the thing effected. At this distance it would be impossible to complete such and Exchange without the intervention of a judicious and confidential friend, and such a one I view you to be, to all intents and purposes, in as far as regards myself being confident that your object will always be to do justice between any parties who submit their case to your decision.
Of course I shall be put into possession of the equivalent without any trouble or expence on my part and I have reason to think that Mr. McArthur is ready & disposed to give me the option of more than one situation from which to select the quantity of Land that shall be judged an adequate recompence for giving up my old favorite Belmont.
I remember that the late Governor King offered to grant me twice the quantity or 4000 Acres in place of the 2000, if I would have consented to take the Land any where else than in the Cowpastures but Mr. McArthur recommended me not to agree – the reason for its being in my option to