State Library of NSW
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Australian Company. The shares are already at a considerable premium, so great is the avidity for anything new in London – John has written to you I know, respecting Mr. Jones's and my joint Saxon Flock, now going out on the Ships "Regent", "Hugh Crawford", and "Elizabeth", and I trust the experiment shall have a fair trial. There are a hundred & twenty Ewes & Rams, and our plan is to keep the flock wholly separate & distinct from all other breeds and Kinds. They cost us already upwards of Two Thousand Pounds, including the freight outwards, and the wool now manufacturing is valued at 5 - 6 - [& s.?] pr lb:– I am in possession of a very full Correspondence between this Country and Saxony on the subject of these sheep which will be held much at John's service – I formerly shewed him the letters & lent them to him for a day or two, but he did not seem to think you would ever desire to import any direct from Germany. – You will soon have the
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