Item 02: Cameron Robertson war diary, 21 December 1914-16 December 1916 - Page 50

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Australian Tunnelling Coy. I arrived at my destination at about 1 am but as there was no fatigue party there the drivers unhooked & returned to the billet arriving at 2.30 am.
11th Reveille was at 5 am and we left the billet about 9 am. The weather was clear and cold and after a good days trek arrived at Strazeele about 5 pm. Here we proceeded to the same billets used by us on our journey from Abbeyville to Armentieres where we put down horse lines and made preparations for a nights' stay.
12th Cool. All wagons were unloaded & repacked ready to move off but owing to some "hitch" (one always occurs) the officers gear was taken off as we are to stay another night. Up to date the final destination is unknown though many have the impression we are going to the Somme.
13th Dull & cold. At 10.30 am all transport left billet for Bailleul Station a distance of about 7 miles. We reached there about 3 pm & by 4.15 all horses were aboard and vehicles entrained. At 5 pm the train pulled out and after 5 hours journey arrived OK at Doullens (on the Somme). There the work commenced in getting horses & vehicles off but this was speedily done & by 12 midnight we were well on the road for Canaples. And oh! What a monotonous tiresome journey. The weather

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