State Library of NSW
[Page 46]
"Righto" "Come right in." That was how I found the transport billet at 2 am on the 20th.21st Cool all day. Fritz bombarded the town and trenches. Casualties being one man & one woman. About 11 pm the gas alarm was sounded and for over an hour we sat up in bed with our tube helmets on but the wind changed and luckily for us no gas reached us.23rd Today a terrific thunderstorm raged. 4 men being struck by lightning at 9.30 pm left for La Visse with rations.24th Raining all day. Rode over to Sailly and saw Billy Govers.25th Rain at intervals. Terrific bombardment by our batteries commencing at 11.15 pm I was taking timber & bridging material to La Visse dump and the row of the wagons attracted the attention of Fritz's machine guns which were immediately turned on us. Bullets were whistling all around but luckily they were too high and none reached us. Several chaps swear
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