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N.B. Amount still due to Messrs Herries & Co on our Bill in their hand £2500 
J. & W. M.

Camden N. S. Wales
22nd March 1867

Dear Sirs,

We are favoured with yours of the 15th Janry enclosing out a/c with you to 31st Decr 1866, Balance in our favour, including Int to that date £202. 4. 5.

We have now the pleasure to enclose the 2nd of Bill of Exchange of the Bank of N.S.W. payable to Yr order for £100 the 1st of Wh together with Stone's Bill for £15, will we hope have reached toy thus placed to our credit before this arrives.

We remain &c
J. & W. M

Messrs Herries Farquahar & Co

Current Status: 
Ready for review