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you for a term not exceeding three years - with the distinct assurance on our part that we will remit to you whenever we can in reduction of the principal, so as to liquidate the whole amount at the earliest time in our power. Even with a good season we cannot do much till after next through which within as.

The past three years have been most calamitous to us, and indeed to the Colony in general though this part of it has especially suffered, but we are now in a much better position than at the time of our return from England and we have no debt to anyone but yourselves.

A severe drought which has prevailed throughout these Colonies for some time past is we hope at length giving way. We had several hours of fine rain here last night & this favourable change has probably been general in this part of Australia.

We have requested the Manager of the Bank of Australasia at Sydney to remit

Current Status: 
Ready for review