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Boston & Skirbeck Iron Works, November 1863

Sir William Macarthur

To Tuxford & Sons
Engineers, Iron Founders &c.
Quarter      Terms Net Cash

Invoice No 1
1863 Novemr 20

A 6 HP Patent portable Steam Steeple Engine
with vertical cylinder in Iron house, Improved
Boiler with flues and Tubes combined,
felted and cased, Iron Travelling wheels
complete    No 1094
    205. 0. 0
Extra and duplicate parts for do
(1 pr each Top & bottom connecting
  rod brasses fitted
3.12. 0  
(2 prs Crank shaft    do.    do. 1.16. 0  
(1 pr Brass excenbric straps   do. 1.16. 9  
(1 each Governor Skew wheels    12. 0  
(6 guage classes and 12 rings      9. 0  
         8. 5. 9
A Patent Steam Pressure guage       2.10. 0
A Steam whistle and elbow        1. 1. 0
An Improved lifting Jack        1.15. 0
Packing box for extras            3. 0
     218.14. 9
Less 5 per cent discount for Cash      10.18. 9
     207.16. 0
Packing and casing Engine        5. 5. 0
Carriage to the London Docks        3.15. 0
    £216.16. 0
Current Status: 
Ready for review