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10. à long (àà) as in Engl. hail ; Germ. See, städtchen ; Ital. lieta ; Fr. méme, fait :- short (á) as in Engl. accurate.
11. e long (ee) as in Engl. Heir, Hare, Hair, were ; Germ, Bêrg, Stürke ; Ital. lamiera ; Fr. lumiere :- short (e) as in Engl. men, lemon, every ; Germ. besser, empor ; Ital. castello ; Fr. dangereux, effort, eloigner.
12. i as in Engl. hill, bit ; Germ. gift, gitter ; Ital. einque.
13. l as in Engl. peel, leave, believe ; Germ. Liebe ; Ital. vino ; Fr. qui.
14. . as in Engl. people ; Germ. lieben (pip.l, lib.n).
15. j as in Engl. bite ; Germ. beissen.
16. u as in Engl. broun , bound ; Germ. braun ; Fr. Saunl.v
17. s as in Engl. soft ; Germ. sanft ; Ital. solo ; Fr. salle.
18. z as in Engl. zinc ; Germ. roze ; Ital. roza ; Fr. azur. as in Engl. sharp; Germ. scharf ; Ital. lasciare ; Fr. chien.
20.zh as in Engl. pleasure ; Fr. jardin. as in Engl. thing ; Span. zapato, nariou.
22.dh as in Engl. that.
23-31, t, d, p, b, f, v, m, n, l, as in English, German, Italian, and French.
32. rr as in Engl. pray ; Germ. Rabe ; Ital. rosa ; Fr. erreur
33. r as in Engl. smaller.
34. p or rh as in Engl. Rhatany, rhubarb.
35. r as in Engl. hang ; Germ. klingen ; Ital. lingua franca.
36. v as in Fr. ninal, rien.
37. v The nasal sound in Etna, Daieper.
38. h as in Engl. halt ; Germ. Hexe ; Fr. Halte :
39. x as in Germ. lacken ; Span. Ximence, reloj ; Gael. eruackan.
40. y as in Germ. yelten ; Gael. luyh.
Any supplemental letters may be used, if exactly exemplified and identified, for sounds peculiar to certain languages, as the Caffer and Hottentot clicks, &c.