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In fact he is the savage whom we found here, with his natural characteristics  aggravated instead of ameliorated by contact with civilization. However degraded he may have been before he knew us, he then walked erect, with all the dignity of a being unconscious of superiors; - he now skulks from door to door, with the whining sycophancy of an English beggar, coveting the luxuries and soliciting alms of the white man.

Southern Australian

April 24/37

Extracts No. 5 A.P.S.

Sir Geo. Gripps readily allows, that after having taken entire possession of the country without any reference to the rights of the Abor: it is now too late for the Government to refuse protection to persons who have come hither and brought with them their flocks and herds at its own invitation; tho' at the same time it must be evident that every wanderer in search of pasturage

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