
[Page 28]

(no. 7)


English Tribes from Oyster Bay to Pittwater.

Tribes about Mount Royal, Brune Island, Recherche bay, and the South of Tasmania

North-West and Western


Wurrawena, Krottomientoneack Ria-wurrawa   
Aquiline (Roman nosed) Muunna puggawinya Maitingulé   
Arm Wu'hnna Wu'hnna   
Ashamed Leiemtonnyack Lienuté   
Aha! you are sulky all of a sudden Annyah! Teborah! Keetrelbea-noomena, Penniggomaree!   
Ashes Tontaiyenna Toiberry Ronghtuly né
Ask Ongheewammeno Oghnamileé Onabeamabbelé
Asleep Tugganick Longhana Nenaronghabea
Awake (to open the eyes) Cranny-mongtheé      
Ditto Wennymongtheé Nunneoine-roidukaté   
Awake him, rouse him Lientiapé    Illetiapé
Ay (yes) Narramuna Narrawa Narra baro
Azure (sky) Noorbiack Warra-né Loaranneleah
Awake (rouse ye, get up) Lientable, tagga muna! Nawaté, pegrate, wergho! Takkawugh né
Babe Cottrulutyyé Puggata riela Rikenté
Bachelor Puggnara mittyé Lowatimy Papponewatté
Back (the) Me-inghana Talinah Teerannelee-leah
Backward Lenere Talire Kelabatecorah
Bad (no good) Noweiack Noile Ee-ayngh-la-leah
Bandy-legged Lackaniampaoick Rentroueté   
Bandicoot Tiennah tenghanah or tenna-ne Lugoilea mungoinahleah
Bark (of a tree) Poora, poora-nah Warra Poora leah
Barren (woman) Kaeeto Kekrabonah Lowa Puggatimy Lopiteneebah
Ditto, ditto Nangemoona Loakennamalé   
Baskets Tughbranah Trenah Tillé
Bat Peounyenna Lérynah   
Battle Miemyenganah Mialungana Mungymeni leah
Beard Comena purennah Cowinné Comené-Waggelé
Beardless Comena-ranyah Co-win-timy Cominerah leah
Beat (to strike) Legganegulumpté Lugguna Menghboibee raté
Beau (coxcomb) Pugganatereetyé Pallowah-tutté Papponné tughte leah
Beauty (fine-looking woman) Lowanna-elapthatyé Nire-lowa Noa noughanoatté
Ditto, ditto Lowanna-eleebanaleah Loa-minery   
Bark of tree flapping Poorakunnah Lowarinnakunnah   
Bed (sleeping-place in the bush) Oortrackeomee Orragurra wurina   
Ditto Noonameena Orragurra nemony   
Before Mealtetriangulebeah Prungee   
Behind Mealtitta lerrentitta Talina   
Belch (to) Luonna-kunna Loona kanna   
Belly Tree-érina Lomate   
Big (large) Teeunna Papla   
Bill (bird's) Meunna Peegra   
Bird Puggunyenna Punna   
Bite Ralkwomma Rebkarranah   
Bitter Laieeriack Poina Noily   
Blandfordia nobilis None in the District Reminé   
Black Maback or Mabanna Loaparte   
Blood (my) Warrgata meena Coccah   
Blossom Maleetyé Nannee Purillabenannee   
Blow-fly ongana Monganah   
Blow (with the mouth forcibly) Loyuné Loinganah   
Boil (Furunculus) Lieemena Lieematah   
Bosom (woman's)


Parrungyenah or Liatimy   
Boy (small child) Malangyenna Puggatah Paw-awé   
Boy (large  ditto) Cotty-mellityé Poilahmaneenah   
Bread Pannaboo Pannaboo na   
Bread (give me some) Tienna miapé pannaboona Tiengana má pannaboo Tunghmbibé tungaring-alea
Breast (chest) Meryanna Toorinah   


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