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New South Wales

Murders by Aborigines in the Northern districts

Laid upon the Council table by the Colonial Secretary and ordered by the Council to be printed 11 May 1853

Return to an Address from the Legislative Council of New South Wales, dated 27th  July, 1852, praying that his Excellency the Governor General would be pleased to cause to be laid upon the table:-

"A Return shewing the number

"of Murders committed by the

"Aboriginal nations on the white

"population in the county of

"Stanley and Districts of Clarence

"and Darling Downs, Moreton,

"Burnett. Maranoa and Wide

"Bay; also the names and

"occupations of the sufferers, the

"dates on which the murders were

"committed and what steps have

"been taken to punish the offenders;-

"commencing from the 1st  January

"1847, to the 31st  December 1851."_


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