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way came out to cheer us & we sang back at them. We also amused ourselves on the march by whistling & singing and making every conceivable kind of noise. Return by 4.30. We then had a shower, & tea and went on leave at 6.
Alan & I visited the electrical power-house & got the foreman to show us all around the plant, which was in many ways very up-to-date. Among others, there was a turbine power plant which generated an enormous quantity of current for its size & registered 3000 revolutions per minute.
Dec 16. To-day is a very important public festival & holiday here. We had a 'picnic' to Camp's Bay. We got our lunch ready from bread cheese & biscuits & marched out to the place in about 2 ½ hours. The day was very hot, in fact a gentleman was telling me in town that it was the hottest day they have had here for 3 years, & Cape Town is by no means a cool place at ordinary times. In a perfect bath of sweat we got there by