[Page 43]
[Brief notes of the diarist which appear to be the basis for diary pages 40, 42 and 43]
Mon Jan 1
No drill
plum pudding
Tues. Jan 2
Slept on forc with Liverpool
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[Page 40]
and sought the coolness of the forecastle head. and There the stars looked down and understood my feelings, the kindly moon with her diffused, sympathetic beams, knew how seasons come & go, and she could understand me; the cool breeze flowing from the peaceful ocean knew my thoughts & understood, and to these & to the ruler of the stars & the winds I could command all things, & to Him I can look for guidance in the Year which commences tomorrow.
"Ring out the old, Ring in the New"
Jan. 1. New Year's Day. About 110 miles from Cape Town, on the Atlantic Ocean;.
The beginning of the day seemed so ordinary that it was very hard to realise that the day was a momentous one. However we were given a holiday from drill and in the morning witnessed some good boxing contests &