State Library of NSW
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stock-keepers and bay[?] whalers, than whom generally speaking their cannot be worse characters being very generally convicts of the lowest class.
So early as in 1789, the small pox savaged Port Jackson/ Collins's New S. Wales and [indecipherable] Do / and in 1831 - 35/ Mitchell/ and it is understood that small Pox is a disease that must have come from Europe to N. Holland. But no efforts seem to have been made to vaccinate the natives, altho' these preventives have been used for the whites. Yet such efforts have checked small pox considerably among slaves / Collins's Practical Rules / In N. America the ravages of the same disease have also been checked by these means.
report on Australia p.10.
That the neglect of means of protecting and improving the Aborigines is contrary to the tenor of ancient and recent instructions
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