State Library of NSW
[Page 265]
The only change we have had in the weather since my last was a Thunder shower on the evening of the 14th, unfortunately the storm partly divided being much heavier about Razorback and Cobbitty than here - sufficient fell here to help the grass and to be of great benefit to our maize in the 17 acre field which is about 6 inches high and looking well, particularly the portion scalped by the flood, and afterwards dressed with bone dust. I planted the Spring Paddock with the large yellow maize on the 15th & 17th but am doubtful whether the whole will come up without more rain - the land is in fine order, having been thrice ploughed with several clod crushing, Rollings & harrowing.
We have cut and made hay of about Six acres of our wheat, the yield was much more than I expected - upwards of Ten Tons - we had in 3 kinds of wheat viz "Big Wheat" "Leghorn" and
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