State Library of NSW
[Page 170]
inform you. (They say that some of the Bacon contains Maggots.) I cannot hold out an expectation to realize 10d per lbs - at this time.
You may rely on the confidence you refer to in your note, in my regard.
If you will do me the favor to give me instructions about the Supplier, I shall give them my very earliest attention.
I do not wish to speak unkindly about your servant "New", but I am inclined to believe he does not act so faithfully for you as he should do. If this occurs again "produce" without instructions, I will act tho' I had received them on there arrival.
Will you be kind enough to mention to Sir Wm Macarthur Captain "Neatley" mentioned to me about a Cow from Camden,
I handed your letter to Messrs Smith & Peate.
I have the honor Sir to be Your most Obedt Servt
R. Hutchinson
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