State Library of NSW
[Page 142]
9 Bridge St Sydney
10th Septr 1857
To the Honorable James Macarthur M.L.A. Camden Park
Dear Sir
I have had the honor to receive a note this morning from Mrs Macarthur informing me that the Wine had left Camden and the Contents of the four hogsheads stated therein.
I now do myself the pleasure to enclose you a List of Goods which I forwarded yesterday Afternoon to Messrs Mocaltar Coy care of Rail and also return you the two Invoices numbered 9.
I have not yet seen the person with the Dray you spoke of. I think it better not to forward any more Goods per Rail until I know if the Dray will be here and what loading it will take. Unless I hear from you the Contrary.
I am Dear Sir faithfully yours R. Hutchinson.
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