State Library of NSW
[Page 54]
On the twenty eighth day of September one thousand eight hundred and forty eight at the Request of Alexander McDonald Esquire Manager of the Union Bank of Australia, Wellington, I Robert Hart Notary Public duly admitted and sworn residing and practising at Wellington in the Colony of New Zealand did cause due and customary presentment to be made of the Original Bill of Exchange whereof a true copy is on the other side written at the Union Bank of Australia at Wellington aforesaid where the said Bill is made payable by George Duppa the person upon whom the said Bill is drawn and by whom the same is accepted unto a clerk there and he answered that the said Bill of Exchange would not be paid for want of effects.
Wherefore I the said Notary at the request aforesaid have protest against the drawer of the said Bill and all other parties thereto and all others concerned for all exchange reexchange and all costs damages and interest present and to come for want of payment of the said Bill
Which I attest
Robr Hart Not. Pub
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