Volume 67: Macarthur family papers relating to livestock, 1814-1884: No. 371

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[Page 371]

Pastures & Stock Act of 1880

3rd January 1881


I have the honour to acknowledge your letter of 31st ult. in re: assessment on Sir Wm. Macarthur's stock, and I have shewn in the statement below, how Sir William appears in our Rate Book.  You will also see from that statement how the error in addressing the letter occurred, as I had to go by those addresses as furnished by the Inspector of Stock.  The actual amount due is £1.10/- of which I acknowledge receipt of 3s/9d leaving a balance of £1.6.3.  I may state that the only data we had were the Stock Returns collected by the Police.  Should you intend to appeal against the assessment I shall be happy to afford you any further information in my power.

I have the honour to be
Your most obedient servant

Herbert Dillon

Honble Arthur Onslow R.N., M.P. &c.
Camden Park

No. Name Address   Large Stock Rate
per 100
Total amount 
of Rate
Horses  Cattle  Total
20 Macarthur, Sir Wm. Mount Hunter 7          200     207 1s/3d 3/9
21 Macarthur, Sir W & Mrs Camden Park 140    1150 1290 1s/3d 16/3
22 Macarthur, Sir W. Upper Camden 22 150 172 1s/3d 2/6
23 Macarthur, Sir W. Cawdor 20 100 120 1s/3d 2/6
24 Macarthur, Sir W. Menangle 4 120 124 1s/3d 2/6
25 Macarthur, Sir W. Upper Camden 5 120 125 1s/3d 2/6
      198 1840 2038   £1.10.0


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