State Library of NSW
[Page 368]
Pastures and Stock Protection Act of 1880
To: Sir Wm. Macarthur Upper Camden Campbelltown 23rd December 1880
The assessment with which you as the owner of the Stock particularly specified in the Schedule below are chargeable under the above named Act for the Quarter ending 31st December 1880 amounts on the Stock, and at the rate therein mentioned to the sum of two shillings & six pence as shewn below, and you are hereby required to pay this amount to me forthwith on or before the 31st December next 1880 or in default you will be liable to be proceeded against for the recovery of the same.
If you intend to appeal against this assessment a written notice to that effect must be lodged, together with the amount of assessment within, not later than seven days after the Service of this notice and upon the receipt of such notice of appeal you will be apprised of date and place of hearing the same.
Herbert Dillon Secretary
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