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Amended circular in lieu of that of 19th Ultimo forwarded in error.
Brand applied for - Horses - J - Cattle No. of Application - 45
Brands Branch,
Registrar General's Office,
Sydney, 5th December 1867.
I have the honor to notify to you, in terms of section 8 of the "Registration of Brands Act of 1866," that the owners whose names and addresses are contained in the accompanying list, marked No. 2, have applied for the registration of the Brand given above, for which an application bearing the number set opposite that Brand has also been received from you.
2. I has occurred to me that it would save trouble, and expedite the registration of the Brands for which there are more claimants than one, were I to suggest a different modification to each of the applicants.
3. I have, accordingly, proposed a modification to each of the other applicants, but I do not in your case make any suggestion, considering that you are the best entitled to retain the Brand, if no arrangement be arrived at between you and them; and in that event I shall, on the expiry of the period specified in the Act, allot it to you.
4. You should, therefore, in order to expedite registration, state, on the receipt of this Circular, whether you decline to enter into any such arrangement.
Messrs. J. & W. Macarthur
Camden Park