State Library of NSW
[Page 57]
[Continuation of table from Page 56]
19 to May to the 2nd of June 1819
Camden Belmont one Ewe Died Belmont Upper Camden one Ewe Died 12 Ewes Killd for Use one Sold 3 Weakly Ewes Killd for the Dogs one Wether Died with the red Waters Upper Camden one Lamb Killd by a Snake one Lamb Killd by a Native Dog in the Field one Weakly Lamb Died Camden one Weakly Lamb Died
One of This Herd in Mr. Oxleys Herd one Heifer Astray
Last Return - 394 Increase - 15 Recd - 15 Gave - 123 to Kelly Do. - 1 to R Wilson Killd - 3 for Use 297 6 - Not Been Returnd 303
Kelly - Heifers & Steers - Total 186 - Recd from McCormick 123 Heifers & Steers, Gave Wilson 81 Steers, Gave McCormick 6 young Cows.
Last Return - 154 Recd - 123 from McCormick Gave - 81 to Wilson Do. - 6 to McCormick Astray - 4 186
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