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(1) From SS Kanowna. "Crew have mutinied, require assistance".
(2) From H.M.A.S. Warrego. "Heave to, will send an officer and guard aboard".
(3) From Warrego. "Provide armed guard and force them to work, give further details".
(4) To Warrego. "Have armed guard with bayonets fixed & firemen on deck".
(5) From Warrego. "Call for volunteers from troops to standby to fire ship, and place firemen in irons".
(6) To Warrego. "Have 35 men by to fire ship, firemen on deck under armed guard"
(7) From Sydney. "Proceed to Townsville via Magnetic Passage wait for orders, find whether firemen will work ship to Townsville".
(8) To Sydney. "I can take the ship to Townsville, have plenty of volunteers from troops".
(9) From Sydney to O.C. Troops. "Take charge of ship, see that my orders are carried out, secure all mutineers".
When volunteers were called for 350 men immediately offered to act as firemen. The strikers were confined to their quarters under guard. Names of strikers attached thereto.
Arrangements made for Companies to be divided into Messes; mess orderlies to draw rations for the whole mess. Owing to number of officers & men sea-sick this could not be arranged till 9/9/14; only one officer being well enough to carry on.
Arrangements were made for each Company to wash clothes & have hair cut. General inspection of quarters and kit bags.
4-20 am. Arrived in Townsville. Received message from Chief Naval Officer, Townsville, instructing me to return to Port Moresby and rejoin Corps as soon as possible. 10-0 am S/S. Kanowna cleared by Port Doctor.