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[Handwritten statements, partly indecipherable, concerning Major Beardsmore]
2 Lt Bruce A Coy (1)
[indecipherable] statements from men about Majr Bs conduct on night of landing.
He says that Mjr B was "in a funk" all night Saturday & did not come near the vanguard or outposts that night
Some of men told him that when a shot was fired he exclaimed "[indecipherable]" Mjr B. with Bruce on Sunday night at 11.40 & left him to go on to Govt House. Mjr B. was "tight" The Sentries on Sunday night told Bruce that Mjr B. was tight & Bruce told them that the Major was only [indecipherable]
[Above paragraphs crossed out]
Pte Hurley A Coy (2)
On Sunday night Sandford drove the Majr to Govt House at a late hour. The Major was tight at dawn a spoke to Hurley a sentry.
(Hearsay by Hurley on Sunday night Major B. slept at Govt House. Some rifle shots rang out. [indecipherable] men tried to wake Major B but failed)
(3) Pte [indecipherable] A Coy supports above statement
3 Pte Sandford A Coy
Went with Major B. on Sunday a shot was fired. Major B. exclaimed "hey God men we are all shot" in a frightened excitable condition Major B was obviously in a funk
[In margin] Hd Qrs of outpost
On Sunday night I went from Rabaul to Govt House Major B - was [drunk?]
Major B left Govt House at dawn on Monday morning.
L Norman
The feeling in A Coy [indecipherable] Major B is very [indecipherable] Found a kit bag belonging to Major B at Govt House with some loot in it.
[Note in margin] When did you take over GH. What state was it in